3月5日消息,Starknet链上借贷协议zkLend在X平台发文称:“资产恢复门户现已上线,请保持警惕——始终与官方渠道互动,并通过经过验证的社交媒体验证通信。”据其此前介绍,用户能够通过该门户直接访问其索赔,方法是连接受影响的钱包。 此前消息,zkLend从2月11日开始遭受攻击,导致约960万美元的资金损失。
ZKnox, a research organization supported by the Ethereum Foundation, was officially launched to improve the security and efficiency of Ethereum. ZKnox focuses on post-quantum cryptography and optimizes the implementation of number theory transformation (NTT) to improve the computational efficiency of post-quantum signature verification.
以太坊基金会支持的研究组织 ZKnox 正式成立,旨在提升以太坊的安全性和效率。ZKnox 专注于后量子密码学(post‑quantum cryptography),并优化了数论变换 (NTT) 的实现,提高了后量子签名验证的计算效率。
On March 2nd, Gitcoin announced the upcoming 6-month zkSync Community Program to reward active qualified contributors and drive the growth and adoption of the zkSync ecosystem, which allocates 5 million ZK tokens.
3月2日消息,Gitcoin 宣布即将推出为期 6 个月的 zkSync 社区计划(zkSync Community Program),用于奖励活跃的合格贡献者,并推动 zkSync 生态系统的发展和采用,该计划分配 500 万个 ZK 代币。
ZK Nation announced in a post on the X platform that the voting period for ZIP-6 is scheduled to end at 18:15 UTC on February 27 due to the current voting quorum. It is reported that the proposal will upgrade the governance contract and redeploy all governance contracts, including those related to the ZKSYNC protocol upgrade mechanism, namely the protocol UpgradeHandler, which is responsible for executing the protocol upgrade of Ethereum approved by the Token Assembly.
zkLend has announced a compensation plan. Deposits in unaffected pools are expected to receive a full refund of funds. Deposits in affected pools will receive a partial refund of funds. As well as claims positions in zkLend recovery pools, the withdrawal process is expected to begin within 2 weeks after the review of the recovery claims portal. Repayments will be paid in full by the available liquidity in each unaffected pool. If there is a shortage in one unaffected pool (due to relatively high...
Co-organized with Twinkle, HTX DAO, OpenZK, and Dolphin DAO, the "Golden Star Sharing Conference · Big'Potential 'Voice" theme private event was held in Hong Kong on February 18. Brother Da Hui, founder of 1783DAO, said in his speech that the biggest demand of the Web3 industry is actually traffic, and traffic is now at a terrifying stage. But looking at the entertainment industry, traffic is more and more continuous. The combination of Web3 and entertainment may generate a lot of business spar...
由与Twinkle共同主办,HTX DAO、OpenZK和Dolphin DAO联合主办的“金色星享会·大‘势’发声”2月18日在香港举行,MATRIX AI Network CEO Owen Tao在会上发表演讲表示,自 2023 年起,MATRIX AI Network 正式进入 Matrix 3.0,通过独有的脑机接口、大模型Morpheus和智慧合约,将神经科学与 AI 结合并构建于区块链之上,即Web3+脑机接口+大模型,让现实世界用户在虚拟世界创建AI分身。此外,Owen Ta...